Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it the middle of May already?

Wow, it's hard to believe that today is May 16th.  This year is going by so quickly.  Before we know it, Christmas will be here.

George and Geraldo came from Ohio to visit this past week.  We enjoyed their visit.  They left yesterday morning to go home.  We've spent the last day and a half recovering from all of the drinking we did Thursday and Friday evenings! 

We have a busy summer ahead of us - at least for the next few weeks!  I am travling to San Jose on business this week leaving Tuesday and coming home Thursday.  Dennis is going to get the RV ready so that we can hit the road Friday after work.  We are heading up to Sharp's Creek, which is on the Mogollon Rim between Payson and Show Low.  We are camping with a bunch of friends.  It'll be fun, as it's supposed to hit 100 this weekend in the valley!

For Memorial Day weekend, we're heading to Mingus Mountain.  We are leaving Thursday after work and staying until Tuesday morning.  It'll be a nice long weekend.  It'll be dry camping, but it'll be fun.  We should have great weather up there! 

For the weekend after Memorial Day, we're taking the motor home down to Tempe to camp out in front of Jeremy & Brandon's house to do more training on the laundromat.  Then, the 2nd weekend in June we are heading up to Flagstaff for a 3 day weekend staying at the KOA.  On our way home from Flagstaff, we will likely take the motor home to Clint's Well and leave it for the rest of the summer. 

We hope to escape the heat as many weekends as possible this summer.  We hope everyone enjoys your summer, too!  Take care! 

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