I want to post an update. I am feeling good and have reduced the pain meds to about every 10-11 hours instead of every 4. Lisa came to my rescue today and delivered Milk of Magnesia and prune juice and they took about 4 hours to do their job. Dennis helped me clean myself up (aka sponge bath) as best as I can tonight. It felt great! I'm able to shower on Friday. Looking to that! My follow up appointment is a week from tomorrow. The dressing and plastic that is over it will stay on until then. It's already itching me like mad.
I watched a Kitchen Cousins marathon today. I'm free to text or talk on the phone if any of you have free time during the day. I am not yet going crazy but I have at least another work week of this! Humor me!
Thank you for all of your support. I'm looking forward to being done with the sciatic pain and the hard narcotics. Better days are ahead!